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Aerial view of a cloudy sunset suggesting the possibility of life beyond the clouds or life after death

Understanding life 

and life after death


"Six months or so after she died, my mother appeared in a dream and told me of a specific development in the 'real' world that I could not possibly have known. It was a 'big' dream that also spoke of unconditional love - so powerful, it woke me up. 


The next morning I set off, hotfoot, to see if what she had said was correct. When I found it was, down to the last unlikely detail, I was incredulous. I had always been sceptical about this kind of stuff, but now I had no option but to conclude that my mother - or at least a sort of incomprehensible, glowing version of her - had somehow managed to communicate with me. There was simply no other explanation.

But how? Could conscious awareness after death really, really be real?


I started reading - first Carl Jung, then all manner of theoretical physicists - until (some thirty years later) I finally settled on an explanation ... "

Jennifer Vanbergen, The Homes of the Soul

 Explore the real possibility of life after death ...

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Carl Jung said that the meaning of Life is to be found in the balanced 'Self' at the centre of the 'personality'; this means getting to know our conscious as well as our unconscious selves.

houses in life city where we do carl jung therapy to learn what anxiety and depression are for

Life City 

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It's hard, but we also need to talk about death ...

"Why, after all, should there not be ghosts?"
Carl Gustav Jung, 'Memories, Dreams, Reflections'
A Feast

Maybe, from another point of view, death is more of a celebration ...

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A celebration like the one in this dream:

"All of a sudden, there she was - my aunt sitting midway at a long trestle table enjoying an open-air banquet, surrounded by friends and relatives. As I passed by, she looked up and caught my eye. We smiled at each other over the crowd of heads and I went on my way, shaking my head in admiration. For quite simply, I had never seen her look so beautiful. I awoke with the profound conviction that she had died."

J Vanbergen, 'The Homes of the Soul - A Short Guide to the Real Possibility of Life after Death'


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